Saturday, January 31, 2009

Had a CNY gathering at my ex-boss house just now. It was a westernize CNY as we KFC and pizza. Heheheh.... Other than that, the day went on like any normal day except that i took my afternoon nap for about two and a half hours. Really had a nice sleep. If not for the sms i got asking me to go get the pizza, I would have continued sleeping. Nice weather to sleep as it was raining quite heavily and thus it was really cooling.

Got a good news from work too today. Tuesday is declared as a public holiday. That means i got a day off as well. Yeah!! Got the news yesterday from the many forms of media we have but only got a confirmation from HR today that we will also get the day off. And its only for PERAK state. Another day to relax at home. Holidays are really very very precious for us who have started working even if it's only for a day.

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