Sunday, May 31, 2009

That's life!!

In life, there are so many ups and downs till we sometimes forget in what state or emotion we are suppose to be in. I guess it's just normal that for every ONE happy occasion or situation that happen to us, it will be followed by a few unhappy, stressful and tensed moment. We can be happy during the earlier part of the day and totally lost it all in a few hours time. Count yourself lucky if that happiness sticks with you for one whole day, 24 hours.

There is so much going on in my mind right now!!

1. Work seems to be not interesting anymore coz I am totally doing something out of my job scope
2. Life seems to be boring with not much entertainment
3. Something bout a fren that is bothering me
4. Felt betrayed

I don't know which is actually conquering the most part of me but I know it's all jumble up in me. I don't know whether to say I am unhappy, stressed or tensed coz I am just having some very weird feeling.

It's Sunday!! Hopefully after a good sleep, I will wake up with a cleanse mind and start looking for my happy moment!!

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